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Franciscans join all Catholic actors in the premiere of “The Letter” at COP27

Franciscans join all Catholic actors in the premiere of “The Letter” at COP27

The first COP 27 screening of the Letter was presented by the Laudato Si Movement, the Vatican delegation, and the Senegalese government on November 10, 2022. It took place at COP27’s Blue Zone in the Government of Senegal Pavilion. Before the film was shown, Archbishop Nicolas Henry Marie Denis Thévenin, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Arab Republic of Egypt, had a roundtable conversation with Fra. Angel Cortez, OFM, the representative of the Franciscan Delegation, and with other representatives of Catholic organizations.

Climate Movement of the Franciscans in Korea

Climate Movement of the Franciscans in Korea

The JPIC Commission of the Province of the Holy Korean Martyrs took part in Global Catholic Climate Movement Korea (GCCM Korea). In the case of South Korea, there are more than thirty Catholic organizations, dioceses, and three hundred Catholics that take part in GCCM Korea, and it’s ever-expanding with other Catholic institutions in Korea.

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

The objectives of the activities were formation & conscientization on climate crisis for local Franciscans and others, taking acts of solidarity for climate justice, a projection for future action and celebration of the spirit of Laudato si’.

Participation in COP25, Madrid

Participation in COP25, Madrid

The UN Climate Conference (Cop25) that began on Dec. 2 ended on Dec. 15, which was two days longer than its original schedule. The JPIC Commission of the Holy Korean Martyrs Province of Korea has participated along with its ally NGOs.

Franciscans in Chile take part in  “Interreligious and Spiritual Alliance for Climate Agreement”

Franciscans in Chile take part in “Interreligious and Spiritual Alliance for Climate Agreement”

The objective of this Alliance, as expressed in the agreement, is to promote a systemic, cultural and spiritual change that should be translated into economic and political transformations in the face of the current climate crisis. By doing so, the adherent 21 organizations have expressed their willingness to put themselves at the service of the community and facilitate links that can generate public-political influence from their respective identities.

Toward COP25, Santiago – Franciscan participation

Toward COP25, Santiago – Franciscan participation

And that’s why António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, has called for the UN 2019 Climate Summit on September 21 – 23 in New York with the theme, ‘A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win.’ The Church also resonates to this call. The Pope, too, declared a global “climate emergency.” He said that a failure to act urgently to reduce greenhouse gases would be “a brutal act of injustice toward the poor and future generations.”

Franciscan Participation in COP24 (3/3)

Franciscan Participation in COP24 (3/3)

In the last few issues, we’ve already published about the Climate Change and COP24. Although a small number of scientists, multinational entrepreneurs, and conservative politicians deny this global phenomenon, climate change is affecting our lives to the point where...