Season of Creation in the Holy Land
During the Season of Creation 2024 the General Office of JPIC will be sharing various Franciscan experiences in the world on integral ecology. We begin with the Custody of the Holy Land.
During the Season of Creation 2024 the General Office of JPIC will be sharing various Franciscan experiences in the world on integral ecology. We begin with the Custody of the Holy Land.
Ecological conversion requires a “reversal of direction” of everyone’s conscience, because Creation is intimately connected to a revolution of the spirit: this is the heart of the conference presenting the Pope’s message for the World Day of Prayer for Creation, held today in the Vatican Press Office. The reference to the upcoming Jubilee and the need to involve young people in protecting the environment, also through social media, is central.
In the Tempo Forte of January 2024, the General Definitory of the Order of Friars Minor appointed Tomás Insua as a member of the Animation Committee (CA) of the General Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.
A tree planting campaign was organized by Br. Jean Eric Mutabazi, OFM the JPIC Provincial Director for the Province of St. Francis in Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius in collaboration with Laudato’si animators of the institute of Franciscan Brothers Disciples of the Glorious Cross as well as Gikondo parish in which the Franciscan Brothers Disciples of the Glorious Cross exercise their ministry.
On Saturday, November 18, 2023, a webinar on Pope Francis’ the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum was organized by the JPIC OFM General Office and drew participants from all over the world. This webinar was translated into three languages: English, Italian and Spanish. The moderator was Br. Daniel Rodríguez Blanco OFM, director of the General Office of the JPIC OFM.
During the month of September, the JPIC of the Province of the Holy Martyrs of Korea carried out various activities related to climate justice. Here are some of them.
On the 11th and 12th October 2023, at the House of Pilgrims at the Sanctuary of Mount St. Anne in Poland, the General Secretariat for Missions and Evangelization, the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies and the General Office for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, in collaboration with the President of the Conference, br. Alard Maliszewski, and in the presence of the Definitor General responsible for the North Slavic Conference, br. Konrad Cholewa, organized the meeting of all the respective Offices of the Provinces of this Conference.
From the 6th to the 11th September, fr. Daniel Rodríguez Blanco, Director of the JPIC Office of the General Curia, visited the Provinces of Santa Fe and San Pablo in Colombia.
One image that can help us interpret Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum is that of “a wakeup call.”
The Season of Creation 2023 has as a special prelude the announcement of Pope Francis who is preparing the second part of Laudato Si’. In addition, it is very likely that the Season of Creation will conclude with the presentation of the aforementioned pontifical document, on the 4th October, 2023.