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The Conclusion of the Petrópolis International JPIC Council 2022

The Conclusion of the Petrópolis International JPIC Council 2022

The International Council was coming to an end. But before that, some action proposals had to be drawn up to carry out the general lines approved the day before. In the same way, Fr. Angelito presented again the draft of Petrópolis 2022 Declaration which incorporated the observations that had been made at the friars’ assembly.

General lines of Action for Justice, Paz and the Integrity of Creation efforts of the Order

General lines of Action for Justice, Paz and the Integrity of Creation efforts of the Order

On Friday, November 25, 2022, the fifth working day of the International Council, the general lines of action for the next few years were drawn up. In the first part, the friars attending the Council were divided into three language groups: English, Spanish and Italian. Then, each of the groups presented their proposals at the plenary. By the end of the morning, the general lines of action were: Conversion and Integral Ecology; Human Migration and Refugees; and Culture of Peace.

Opportunities and challenges for JPIC in the Order

Opportunities and challenges for JPIC in the Order

The fourth day of work of the International Council of JPIC was marked by reflection and analysis. During the morning, Br. Cesar Külkamp, OFM, General Definitor for
Latin America, presented a synthesis of the Plenary Council of the Order of 2018 and the General Chapter 2021 regarding JPIC.

The International Council of JPIC meets in Petropolis, Brazil

The International Council of JPIC meets in Petropolis, Brazil

On Monday, November 21st, the Internacional Council of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (CIJPIC) began its meeting in Petrópolis, Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Franciscan brothers from all continents have come together in order to evaluate the work done in each Conference or region where the Order is present and to draw up lines of action that will accompany the JPIC animators in the following years according to what the General Chapter entrusted to the JPIC general Office.

Justice and Peace: the International Council of the Order of Friars Minor in Jerusalem

Justice and Peace: the International Council of the Order of Friars Minor in Jerusalem

The Custody of the Holy Land hosted the two-yearly planning meeting of the International Council of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of the Order of the Friars Minor from 3rd to 10th June 2019.

The JPIC Office has always dealt with everything concerning Justice, Peace and the Integrity of the Creation, recognized as founding values of Franciscan spirituality. These values are also to be found in the fight against climate change, the protection of Human Rights and special attention to the problems and real violations existing in the 119 countries where the Order is present and works. “This meeting,” said Fr. Jaime Campos, Director of the General Office for JPIC, “allows us to evaluate the work that has been done and to plan, with our discussions, future work with constant attention to the contents of the “Laudato Si’” Encyclical”.