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The representatives of the JPIC Commissions of the Franciscan Colleges in Perú have met, along with Br. Rafael Tito, OFM, animator JPIC of the Province, Br. Guido Zegarra, OFM, collaborator of JPIC and Br. Jaime Campos, OFM, Director of the JPIC Office of the General Curia on July 11 – 13.

On the first day of the Meeting, the JPIC projects of both schools that belong to the Franciscan Province of the XII Apostles in Perú were exhibited. It should be noted that JPIC values ​​have been presented transversally within the educational institutes. The creation of JPIC Commissions in each school has allowed the development of valuable programs that are aimed at the students and their families for the care of creation.

Many other projects were presented. El Colegio San Francisco de Asís in Mollendo has an ecological brigade and carries out activities to celebrate World Earth Day, World Water Day, Earth Hour, marches for peace and World Environment Day. El Colegio Peruano Chino Juan XXIII has a great project called “Laudato si’, Take Care of Common Home.” It is aimed at the educational community to raise awareness about environmental problems and the importance of working together to take care of our ecosystem. El Colegio Santa Clara and El Colegio San Francisco de Arequipa also presented their projects, highlighting the impact they have had both inside the educational community and outside in the working circles on the environment.

On the occasion of this meeting, the Province seeks to further strengthen its option and commitment to the values ​​of JPIC. As a part of the future plan, JPIC parish groups will be organized. San José Obrero parish of Arequipa has become the first to send a representative to this working group.

After the presentation of the projects in execution, an analysis of the reality of Perú particularly in the Amazon followed, and some documents for projection of the JPIC work were studied such as “Instrumentum Laboris” of the Amazon Synod, the implications of the Plenary Council of the Order on JPIC, the Jerusalem Statement of the International Council of JPIC 2019.

Br. Jaime Campos, OFM
Director of JPIC Office, General Curia – Rome