Peace and all Good!
“… Only those who are steeped in the logic of God’s ‘Incarnational’ love will be able to reach out to those otherwise discounted and excluded: migrants and refugees; those who profess other religious ideas and practices; those who we are told are our ‘enemies’ when, in the logic of God’s Incarnation, they are our brothers and sisters; a wounded creation, exhausted and under threat from unbridled and immoral exploitation…”
Br. Michael Perry, OFM
Christmas 2019 Message to the Order from the Minister General
We wish Merry Christmas to all of you! We hope each of you rejoice in Peace, which is the fruit of Justice. We want to thank you all who are pursuing and promoting the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, especially, those who are working for migrants and refugees in the world. We all are pilgrims and strangers in this world!
Br. Rufino Lim, OFM | Br. Jaime Campos, OFM
JPIC Office
General Curia
Photo: facebook/KarenClark