+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org



Franciscan participation in COP



The Plenary Council of the Order made clear that “As an international Order, (we propose) to make a clear and radical option for the lifestyle indicated by Laudato si’, authentically living out our charism and embarking on a journey of ecological conversion, use means based on Franciscan values in the formation of the Friars Minor, including experiences and real connection with people who suffer” (PCO/18, n. 189-191).

The COP26 Glasgow, UK will be the most important climate summit since the landmark Paris Agreement was reached at COP21, 2015 because it will be the first time that countries should upgrade their pledges on reducing CO2 emissions targets.

Therefore, it’s also crucial to bring the voices of the victims of climate crisis to the international space of climate negotiation at COP26 and mobilize religious communities including us Franciscans.